Monday, May 11, 2009

it's about time...

...literally--i need to post something, as it's been way too long.
...figuratively--when is it not about time?

oh how some days seem to go by so fast. blink. while others, painfully slow. but as a whole, life is just passing (rather zooming) by. i can't believe it's may! holy crap. it's all a blur of organized chaos. and granted life is good but i don't feel like i've had a moment to really savor it. so i am setting new goals.

goal one: pull over to the side of the road in the morning and dip my toes in the pacific. i love my drive (while i also hate it). perhaps i hate it because i am going to work. i love my work (while i also dislike it at times. not the work itself but the issues, the bureaucracy). i do not take for granted the luxuries i have in that 1) i can see and smell the pacific monday thru friday and 2) that i have a job. but i would like to stop and feel the sand.

goal two: breathe and not become overwhelmed by others' issues. whatever. that's been my mantra these days: whatever. as in take your effin issues and run with them. but not near me. whatever. i guess i could scratch this from my goal list; i've manifested the whatever. accepted it. embraced it. and will continue to do so. love it! i still have tendencies to become overwhelmed. whatever;)

goal three: spend more time reading the books i want. the stack is ever-increasing in size...on the coffee table, on the dresser, next to the tv (a but oxymoronic, i know). i would be so happy if i could carve the time to finish the secret history. time? what's that?

there are more. so many more. but in terms of mental health and clarity, these are the current top three.