Tuesday, January 27, 2009


i have been surrounded by constraints, constrictions, restrictions, and restraints lately, from laws, rules, and norms. it's driving me mad. last week i wanted to write this entry when my bra was the mad driver. but i waited, out of time constraints. and i am happy i did. today, such constraints worked in my favor when i observed an "older" woman--who i do believe nursed a child some 10 years ago--freely flapping in the breeze as she galloped along. it reminded me that though maddening, constraints are sometimes necessary. i guess she must feel similar constraints and decided to go against societal norms...to the dismay of myself (and any other observer in her vicinity).

the book cover, shown above, is a recent and timely find for the purpose of this entry...and i HIGHY recommend it to all readers.
"BREASTS" by Genichiro Yagyu

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