Wednesday, October 22, 2008

monotype-maker's denial: mechanical reproduction is my immediate future

oh how many ideas i have floating around my head...especially now that i am kicking the "severe bronchial infection" out of my system. problem is, who has time to devote to seeing these ideas thru to fruition? with the 2 hour commute, various "chores" (dinner, paying bills, cleaning the house, groceries, the like), yoga (oh, and i'm not really doing that these days, at least not in the last three weeks), and catching up on life other than chores (that would be the other fun stuff. like napping, watching really bad tv--a total waste, i know, oh and blogging). i am sure i have left some things out. you get the idea. anyway, i am writing this mostly to make a written promise to myself that "i will set time aside each week to bring my concepts to life." a glimpse of what's to vs. machine, part II. i figure that since i have succumbed to using technology to express my ideas in the virtual world, as well as the conceptual world, might as well continue it all in the real world. stay tuned...

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